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I don't know if it's only me, but the new save customisation function does not work as intended. If I save a character with it's clothes etc, it does not generate a new picture in the Waifu_Dreams_City/Character_saves folder. Instead, what I found is that the character is saved as a .sav file which goes into Waifu_Dreams_City/Saved/Save_Games. But because it is a .sav file and not a .png one, I cannot drag it into the field when wanting to ''select" a character

it's quite strange, the game is in some address too long? maybe that's why it can have problems to create the file, it can also be that the game does not have permissions to create files in the folder where it i


okay now i know its a questionable idea but with the giants add one for vore???

(1 edit) (+4)

I like how the game progresses so far! I am a fan of your work and it's one of the best games I have played in that area. I look fowrad to where this game is going to go in the future :)
And if I may, I would like to make a little suggestion: Since this game emphasises the customisation aspect, I would like to ask if it was possible to give her more options regarding her body. I had in mind to implement more penis options (such as giving her an equine or canine penis which would work wonderfully with the human and especially the furry form, or maybe even a ''spiked''/dragonic penis which would fit to her demon clothes more), but other body sliders such as maybe her height or other parameters would be a very nice addition as well.

That's at least what I would wish for the most, but I don't know how high the demand for my suggestions or similar stuff is. In any case, keep up the great work! I will look forward to future updates either way :)

Sorry for the delay in replying, I did not receive the notification :( 

more customization for the body is on the way!

and soon I will add more options to the furry machine ;)



I am in contact with itchio to give me more space to upload games, sorry for the inconvenience


For the costumes would be nice to have

- student/high school

- fishnet for legs/body 

- thighs bow/knots


Hey! Just had a little idea for her home. Since internet is now flooded with women + bear content, maybe it'd be fun if she had a huge plush bear in her home which would have an expanding huge dildo penis she could ride. Similar to what she has on the nightstand, but even bigger and with slightly different positions.


I like the idea! when I expand the house more I will do it for sure!

Is it a bug that after I press the "cum button" (lips) the screen fades black and the character is moved to some black room where she is stuck in 1 pose?

it's not a bug, there are three ways to cum, with right click, in the scenes, and in that place


Is it possible for first person option ? would love to see how it will looks like walking around with first person..

Great one. Keep working on it, please

Few comments and feedback:

- animations on shower level are amazing, would love to see more of those

- would be nice to be able to rotate model while modifying body and accessories 

- slime topic is not covered enough ;)

- would be nice to be able to interact with own workers

- looking forward to the clothes update, though would be really nice to have an access to all found costumes in one place

thanks for the feedback!

more slimes are on the way ;)

No update this week? 


sorry, I was moving, but I'm already in the new house! this coming saturday there will be an update!


Congratulations on moving to a new place! :) Gonna check back in a week then, thanks!

(2 edits) (+1)(-7)

Can you make the character like she poop strawberry lol or piss juice and give to drink  

how do i activate the costumes? I have the floor unlocked to select them but clicking on them does nothing.

in this version I am implementing a new clothing system, they are deactivated, soon you will be able to choose each piece to customize better!


I bought this game exactly 222 days ago for only 2 dolla, best spent money ever keep up the good work man excited for new underground levels and myb add something to do with valkiries :D.


Thank you!!

as the valkyries have liked so much I'm planning more content for them ;)

(1 edit)

Keep up the good work ^^ I just buy the game but it's the Build 7 and not 8 when I download the game ^^

thank you! :3

I just upgraded to build 9, try to see if it downloads fine

It's all good ;

Just one little problem I've found when I need to masturbate in an upgrade area like the dancers on the 1st floor, the animation is blocked and I can't do anything.

I will check, I will try to fix it as soon as possible!

Deleted 1 year ago

in the makeup building, in the Skin Section

Is there any other way to buy your first project "Waifu Dreams?"


unfortunately there is no other way, anyway waifu dreams city beats it in all aspects ;)

Hi! I fell madly in love with your game and wanted to support you on patreon, but unfortunately patreon does not accept cards from my country, is there any option to purchase it? On this site, it also does not allow me to buy :(

hi, thank you very much for wanting to support the game! :3

but it seems that there is no way to do it from certain countries, I have tried several times :(


U can use paypal probably gonna work with ur card! :)


1) после открытия кустюма суккуб если одет другой костюм нельзя взаимодействовать с ангелами.

2 нельзя приодеть фурри.сменить одежду суккуба (например гиберкостюм)

3 болшенство анимации ануса. хотелось взаимодействия с вагиной. уретрой вагины. уретрой члена. спасибо вам

Я проверю проблемы

В последнее время я делаю 2 версии анимации, одну для ануса и одну для вагины, и мне потребуется время, чтобы сделать вариант для всех них.

Спасибо за отзывы!

(2 edits)

это симулатор утех анус? в большенстве нет вагина анимации планируете добавить игру в стим? я бы купила будь тут.подержка киви кошелка. добавите болше разновидностей членов? мастурбация пениса сли фута Фурри:нага(ламия) кентавра.арахна. слайм.паразита(когда у человека со спины есть тентакли рты)

Сейчас невозможно выложить игру в steam из-за страны, из которой я родом (Куба), она уже есть на patreon и будет бесплатной через несколько недель - новая кастомизация с вариантами арахны, слизи, паразита, демона

Хм ВПН не?

Нечего страшного. Стим обладает тем чем не обладает патреон. Я не имею ввиду что можно донатить через киви. Но в приложении сайта киви можно закинуть донат в Стим. Патреон лешен возможности функционала киви кошелка. Ждём отмены санкций от уесий с моральными выплатами пострадавших в размере 1.000.000$ каждому:)

насчёт костюма сукууба и подобных.

Хотелось как бы нарядить фурри.

Например фурри>рога сукууба>БДСМ латексный костюм.

Однако спасибо вам за идеи и интересные технологии. Например Ферма про выдойки молока и не совсем молока:)

Да много однако карт остаются без доб. Комнат уровень 150. Да и кофейня с горничнами жарка:)

Скоро я обновлю машину фурроров, чтобы вы могли носить одежду и другие вещи ;)

спасибо вам


Falando sobre o jogo em português do Brasil!

Wiiii, é ótimo!!!! :3

Vou partilhá-lo imediatamente!!!

Hi, I have a channel on YouTube Brazil about adult games. I would like a game key to present to my audience, I think they will really like it. You can reach me by email: (the email can be confirmed in the channel description)

claro, já o enviei para o gmail :3



Macht weiter so! und noch viele Erweiterungen. Danke!

Herzlichen Dank!


My favorite game ever, I wish there were more machines and speed options, machines are my favorite

thank you very much!, I will try to expand more the 11th floor and put more machines :3


you did a great job with version {}! I like the new animations! But you have to be careful when you're in a new area so that you don't get clipped!

thank you :3

(1 edit)

im going to see if i have the same problem on 9.6.1 now.

(edit i still do)

I found the bug, I'm going to fix it today

ty so much ur the best


something to do with the angels plz:)

coming soon ;)

yeah it was a bug like 10 min after i sended the post it showed up so it's fine i also love the game it is very interesting

Thank you :3

(1 edit)

idk if this is a bug but i just Purches this game but i don't get the Downlode option for the but i can only Downlode the Demo versions to so like i said idk what to do 

must be a bug in the page, I updated to check and everything seems to be fine, try again, if the error persists now let me know

Only complaint is that it doesnt really run that well on my laptop, even at low.

In the update that I am going to release today, I added the very low quality, it should improve the performance a lot, anyway I will try to keep improving the performance :3


Loving the game so far! Any updates on ver 1.0? Anything we can look forward to?

(1 edit)

I'm glad you like it, today there will be an update :3


I never really did support before. First time ever for a porn game. I really hope there is gonna be more BDSM stuffs or even tie ups.

thank you very much!, Bdsm in the game has only just begun Jjj

está interesante la demo, te deseo suerte con tu proyecto

Muchas Gracias! :3

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